The cursed creature continues to poison our cities. You have to find it and kill it 3 times.
I'll tell you where you can find it, you should write these down. I can only see and say the coordinates 1 time. If someone kills your creature. You can kill someone else's creature!
(442,363) Twin City

- Talk with DailyQuestEnvoy to start your quest! He will tell you that

- Tell DailyQuestEnvoy that you will kill them all.

- He will now give you the coordinates of the creature you have to kill. It will also appear in your chat. (The coordinates or monster is an example!)

Write this down so you won't forget. He will only say in once!
- When you killed the creature. Return to DailyQuestEnvoy and ask to kill it again.

- Repeat this untill you can get a reward!

- All done! You can do this quest once a day!
Gold, Meteors and more