After entering the Arena, you need to wait in the waiting room for the tournament to begin grouping. Wait patiently while you are in the waiting room, and get yourself ready for the match! 1 minute before your match starts, you will find a countdown box in the lower right corner.
Players will enter the Arena automatically, and fight against their opponent in a 1 on 1 match after the match is started. In the Knock-Out phase, the winner moves on to the next round and the loser will be knocked out of the competition.
Flee, disconnect, or quitting the Arena during the match will be taken as a forfeit.
The player who draws no opponent for a round in a tournament will advance to the next round, automatically.
After each match, there will be a 1 minute break for regrouping.
Each match in the Knock-Out phase (Tournament with more than 8 participants) lasts for 3 minutes. Each match in the final phase (Tournament with the final 8 competitors) lasts for 5 minutes. If no player is defeated by the end of the match, each player's score in the Elite PK Tournament will be used to decide the winner of the match. If the both players score the same, the player with the higher Battle Power and level will be the winner of the match.